This project has retired. For details please refer to its Attic page.


Information about the Mnemonic project that is most important for developers working on the project. The project has created bylaws for itself.

Project Members

Role Name Apache Id
PMC Patrick Hunt phunt
Andrew Purtell apurtell
James Taylor jamestaylor
Gang(Gary) Wang garyw
Uma Maheswara Rao G umamahesh
Kai Zheng drankye
Rakesh Radhakrishnan Potty rakeshr
Hao Cheng chhao01
Debojyoti Dutta ddutta
Johnu George johnu
Yanhui Zhao yzhao
Chenyang Li lcy0816
Li Shen lishen
Kevin Ratnasekera djkevincr
Release Manager Gang(Gary) Wang garyw
Debojyoti Dutta ddutta
Johnu George johnu
Yanhui Zhao* yzhao
Committer Henry Saputra hsaputra
Gang(Gary) Wang garyw
Uma Maheswara Rao G umamahesh
Kai Zheng drankye
Rakesh Radhakrishnan Potty rakeshr
Sean Zhong seanzhong
Hao Cheng chhao01
Debojyoti Dutta ddutta
Johnu George johnu
Yanhui Zhao yzhao
Peili Shen peili
Wen Tong wentong
Lan Lin lqlpsu
Xiaojin Jiao xjiao

Note - current Release Manager is highlighted with *

Mailing Lists

There are several development mailing lists for mnemonic

Source code

Mnemonic uses git for version control. Get the source code:

% git clone

The important branches are:

  • master - The trunk for all development, please find master branch marked in light green.
  • asf-site - The pages that are deployed to

Please check our coding guidelines.

You can also find the mirrored repo. on Github


All code must be +1’ed by a committer other than the author prior to its commit.

Release Flow

For releasing a new version, please refer to Release Flow page.